Third-Party Lawsuits

When you are injured at work, you are not able to bring a lawsuit against your employer. However, if your injury was caused by a person or company other than your employer, known as a “third party,” you may have a potential lawsuit against that person or company. This is known as a third-party lawsuit.

When possible, a third-party lawsuit can help to more fully compensate an injured worker for the full extent of the damages and losses caused as result of a work injury. This is because a third-party lawsuit will provide compensation for types of damages and losses not included in Workers’ Compensation cases such as pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life’s activities, and loss of future earnings.

When meeting with an attorney to discuss a work place injury, it is important to discuss the issues of how an injury occurred and who was involved to help determine whether a third-party case may also be possible.

Common types of third-party cases


Snow Removal Contractors

If you slipped and fell on snow or ice while at work, it may be possible to bring a third-party case if a third-party, snow removal contractor is responsible for snow and ice removal at your worksite.

Other Contractors at Worksites

If you are injured at a worksite, it may be possible to bring a third-party claim against other contractors, including subcontractors, general contractors, or safety inspectors who failed to safely maintain the worksite on which you were injured.

Negligent Drivers

If you were injured in a car accident while driving during work activities, it may be possible to bring a third-party claim against the driver who caused the accident.


Product Liability

If you were injured by a dangerous product at work, it may be possible to bring a third-party product liability lawsuit against the manufacturer of the product.

Owners of Property

If you are injured as a result of a dangerous condition on someone else’s property while working, you may be able to bring a third-party lawsuit against the person responsible for maintaining that property. This may include someone injured while making a delivery or otherwise performing services on the property.

Owners of Dogs

If you are injured by a dog during the course of your work, you may have a case against the owner of the dog. These types of cases are common for workers who visit residential areas or go house-to-house as part of their job duties.